Illuminate Digital® Business Accelerator Program Application Your Name(Required) First Last Your Email Address(Required) Your Phone(Required)What time zone are you in? (If you're not sure, write what state you live in)(Required) Best Time To Call You(Required)When is the best time for us to reach you via telephone?MorningsEarly AfternoonLate AfternoonEveningHow did you learn about us?(Required) What do you currently do for work to make an income?(Required) What is your biggest frustration with starting a business right now? Describe what’s going on.(Required)Are you happy with your business currently?(Required) I'm happy, but would love to improve my business. I'm satisfied, but I know I need to make things better. I'm not happy at all. I need help! I'm not looking to improve my business. What do you hope to learn about with business?(Required)How willing are you to making a change with your personal finances?(Required) Not ready Neutral - open to changing I am desperate to change Is there someone you need to get permission from in order to make financial decisions?(Required) No - I make my own financial decisions Yes - a spouse/partner Yes - other What is your level of commitment to getting the results you desire? (Scale of 1-5 with 5 being highest level.)(Required) 1 - Not committed at all - I want to stay where I am 2 3 4 5 - I am completely committed to improving my situation - being stuck where I am now is more painful than making a change! Is there anything else you want us to know?