Abundance Amplified

For mission-driven, heart-centered advocates & entrepreneurs who want to change the world

Is this you?
Are you ready to make more money on your own terms, claim your financial empowerment, and FINALLY create the business weighing on your heart?

From scarcity and martyrdom to financial empowerment

Why is it that those with the greatest potential to build the better world we so desperately need often face money blocks holding them back from stepping into their power?

Often, heart-centered, mission-oriented advocates and entrepreneurs get caught up in limiting societal conditioning and mental loops around money — thoughts like…

“If I focus on making more money, I will not be a good person…”;
“I have to choose between either making good money or helping others and making a difference…”

But these scarcity thoughts restrict your potential, lead to martyrdom at self-expense (yes, I said it…), and hold you back from actually building the vision you have deep in your heart. Whether it’s a vision with seeds just starting to bud or one fully imagined — the vision that you KNOW you’re here to create to make the world a better place.

Thankfully, that’s not how abundance works. Abundance — a state of expansion that is your natural birthright — does not know either/or thinking. Abundance speaks in both/and.

Because in order to become a fierce advocate for others who makes lasting change, you first need to become a fierce advocate for yourself. Including with your finances.

MASSIVE change requires MASSIVE resources. As Mother Teresa said, “it takes a checkbook to change the world.”

The world needs new leaders who know how to leverage resources in order to make real change.

This is why a unique approach to financial empowerment is needed specifically for advocates and entrepreneurial hearts.

In Abundance Amplified, you’ll learn how to:

  • Become a financial advocate for yourself so you can avoid burnout, put your oxygen mask on first, and fill your own cup so you can continue to fill others’ too, sustainably.
  • Strategize abundantly— to build strategies both in your personal finances that empower you financially and take steps forward to build the project/business weighing most heavily on your heart.
  • Create an abundant relationship with money — so that you can be both financially abundant AND make a create impactful change in the world. 

Join me in my newest financial empowerment program, an intimate group coaching experience to build out the abundance that’s already available for you now, both in your personal finances and your larger project/business vision:

Abundance Amplified is for you if:

  • You know you deserve financial peace of mind and security, but personal financial planning feels more like a stressful chore than a powerful and effortless tool to facilitate your abundance and purpose. You want to be investing and building passive income to support you and your family, but you’re overwhelmed and don’t have a solid strategy.

  • You have a BIG vision to help change the world but don’t know how to navigate complex business, legal, tax, and finance systems to make it happen. All you need is guidance so you can have the fuel to launch your mission-driven project/business rocket!

Adina Appelbaum

Hi, I’m Adina 

I’m a Financial Empowerment & Non-Profit/Business Impact Strategist, Immigration Attorney, Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC)®, and Social Entrepreneur.

I’m here to help you see what’s possible — and how to get there — in your financial empowerment and entrepreneurship journeys.

  • I’ve been creating and leading innovative and impactful initiatives in the legal non-profit and online businesses spaces for nearly 10 years.

  • Through my experiences, I’ve come to the belief that we each need both money and meaning. And that it’s possible to have both.

  • In my podcast Finance Business & Purpose, I dig in deep into financial empowerment for immigrants, advocates, and entrepreneurial hearts. 

  • Abundance Amplified is designed specifically to empower these leaders with the financial and business tools needed to become abundant so that, together, we can build a more welcoming world.

Learn more about my entrepreneurship story here.

What results can you expect?

FINALLY start the next big project / business weighing on your heart and create a greater impact going forward, while becoming financially empowered in the process.

  • Feel confident knowing exact what strategies to apply to take to build wealth
  • Learn how to build abundant money systems that support you to invest and grow your money
  • Create a strategic plan on how to build your project/business vision, giving you the confidence to know exactly where you’re going and what steps to get out of your head and build momentum
  • Master complex business financial, legal, and tax systems so you can finally turn your project/business vision into reality!

BETA PRE-SALE: $597. This Program will be going up to $997 in the near future.

BONUSES: Receive this free bonus gift to support you, at no additional cost:

Includes tailored lessons, weekly live coaching sessions, and an intimate text/audio message community coaching space.

The inaugural students in the Program will have the opportunity to have lessons tailored to their specific questions and circumstances.

Questions? Message Adina on instagram @adinaappelbaum or e-mail [email protected]

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