... in 6 weeks

with financial & business development strategies specifically for entrepreneurial hearts

You want to make more money…

But on your own terms.

Deep down, you KNOW you should be financially way better off than you are right now.

Let’s be honest – your expertise, skills, and professional accomplishments are simply undeniable. You are well regarded in your field. You’re an overachiever in all the best ways. Colleagues view you as an innovator.

But your finances aren’t matching up.

There is insane potential that’s BURSTING to come out of you, but your money isn’t reflecting that…yet.

You’ve already started working on your sense of self worth. You KNOW you deserve more money for all you already offer — and could offer — the world. 

But you don’t want to be a sell out. You want to make money in a way that feels fulfilling, purposeful, and impactful. You want it to feel aligned and of high service.

Your heart KNOWS you can be helping so many more people than you are now.

But you’re not.

So every day, you feel that little pit in your stomach reminding you that you are NOT living up to your fullest potential.

And as you constantly check your bank and credit card accounts, worrying the shoe is going to drop, you’re reminded constantly of this tough truth:

You’re underutilized.

You feel filled to the brim with frustration and pent up energy. You WANT to be creating and serving. You WANT to be abundantly making the money you DESERVE. 

You know what’s possible for your future and where you want to go. 

You’re the first in your family, or one of the only ones in your friend group, to break from the norm and chase HEAD FIRST into crazy dreams (that won’t look so crazy when the investment of time, money, and energy it takes to get there pays off – because it will!).

But you simply don’t know how to get started, or how to figure it all out it in a way that doesn’t feel so overwhelming, anxiety-provoking, fear-filled, and downright HARD.

You’re in need of guidance from someone who already has been through the trenches of navigating the financial system and entrepreneurship.

Who has discovered and can show you a more effortless path toward financial empowerment.

Who can help you light the fire you already have ready to roar within. 🔥 

And who can give you the FUEL to finally LAUNCH your rocket ship into to the land of all that’s actually possible for you. 🚀

That’s where I come in.

Hi, I’m ADINA ✨

I’m a financial empowerment strategist and the Co-Founder and CEO of International EmpowermentÂŽ.

I teach immigrants & entrepreneurial hearts like you how to make more money, build wealth, and start profitable, impactful businesses.

As an immigration attorney, Accredited Financial Counselor, business coach, social entrepreneur, host of the Finance Business & Purpose Podcast, and certified numerologist with big vision and heart, I’m here to support you to make more money on your own terms.

Before I began my financial journey, I was completely disempowered with money. Like most women, I believed I was bad at math and numbers. I had been societally conditioned to rely on some future husband to figure out money.

Then I fell in love with my husband, who is an immigrant from Ecuador, and who had no understanding of the U.S. financial system. For years, we struggled paycheck to paycheck and couldn’t see a way out of our situation. We thought we wouldn’t be able to afford our dream of having children and a home.

I had to figure it out. My family’s future depended on it. 

Wealth Alchemy for Entrepreneurial Hearts™ is exactly what I wish I had available to me back then: a heart-centered approach to financial and business strategy that would empower me to take my finances into my own hands, learn how to actually build wealth, and start a business helping others.


Adina Appelbaum

For a limited time, Wealth Alchemy for Entrepreneurial Hearts™ is available for inaugural students at a pre-sale beta investment of $997. The Program will be going up to at least $3k later this year.

Beta students will have an added significant advantage of course lessons being customized to their specific questions and needs. 

Below learn about my signature Wealth Alchemy Method™️​ we’ll be applying together, what you’ll get out of the Program, and how the Program works.

If you have any questions or just want to chat to get a better sense if the Program is a good fit, DM me on instagram at @adinaappelbaum or reach out to me on Linkedin – I love connecting with you!


My signature Wealth Alchemy Method™️ guides you through a holistic approach to build effortless financial wealth building systems and develop a profitable & impactful business strategy, all while getting clarity on and connecting to your purpose.

Overcome financial barriers keeping you stuck so you can make more money on your own terms, build an impactful business, and create meaningful change.

What You'll Get Out of the Program

Personal Finances:

  • Develop financial systems and learn strategies so you can get:
    • Crystal clear about your financial goals and how exactly to make them happen
    • In alignment about where each dollar is going in a way that feels good
    • Feeling abundant and expansive with your money (instead of crash diet restrictive budgeting and debt shame)
    • Exponential growth with your money growing in passive income (no longer only by trading time for money) & building momentum to reach your goals so you can build wealth


  • Embrace a wealth building mindset to have a:
    • Strong relationship with money so you can bring awareness to where scarcity is playing out in your finances, reframe negative money patterns and beliefs, and learn to embody abundant shifts in areas previously ridden with restriction to liberate your financial empowerment 


  • Learn business strategies to get:
    • Crystal clear on 
      • 😍Who you’re here to help 
      • 🔦What problem you’re meant to help solve
      • 🔥How your experience and expertise allow you to do that
    • Skilled at heart-centered marketing and sales applying effective strategies with a focus on serving others


  • Cultivate mindset and energy that allows you to:
    • Take action to share your voice and sell your offer with integrity despite doubts and fears around fear of judgment and visibility

How it Works

During the six weeks of the coaching program you’ll receive:

  • Step-by-step video and audio note lessons guiding you through The Wealth Alchemy Method™️, with milestones each week 

  • Live group coaching calls at the beginning and end

  • Intimate voice audio & text message coaching throughout on my preferred online coaching app, Telegram.

  • Community support from others in the program

In our virtual community coaching space, we’ve got chat “rooms” to dive in deep to each of the core foundations of The Wealth Alchemy Method™️ together.

You can get an idea of what the rooms look like below:


Beta pricing available for a limited time – to be increased in future rounds


Let’s connect 

DM me on instagram @adinaappelbaum 

Email [email protected]